Difference Between AJAX and PHP

Difference Between AJAX and PHP

AJAX vs PHP Comparison

  • The key Difference Between AJAX and PHP is that AJAX is a client-side programming language for creating fast and dynamic web pages, whereas PHP is a server-side programming language for creating dynamic web pages.
Comparison Between AJAX and PHP
Comparison Between AJAX and PHP

Comparison Chart

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML Hypertext Preprocessor
Client-side programming language Server-side scripting language
Used for creating dynamic web pages without page refresh Used for creating dynamic web pages and interacting with databases
Makes requests to the server using JavaScript Generates and processes data on the server

AJAX Features

  • User Friendly
  • It makes web pages faster.
  • Independent of server technology.
  • Increase the Performance of the web page.
  • Support for Live data binding
  • Support for the Data View control
  • Support for Client-side template rendering
  • Rich and, responsive user interfaces
  • Reduced consumption of server resources

PHP Features

  • Simple
  • Faster
  • Interpreted
  • Open Source
  • Case Sensitive
  • Simplicity
  • Efficiency
  • Platform Independent
  • Security
  • Flexibility
  • Familiarity
  • Error Reporting
  • Loosely Typed Language
  • Real-Time Access Monitoring