Difference between Snowflake Schema and Fact Constellation Schema

Comparison between Snowflake Schema and Fact Constellation Schema

  • A Snowflake Schema and a Fact Constellation Schema are both data warehouse schemas that are used to store and analyze large amounts of data. However, there are some key differences between the two schemas.
  • The Key Difference between Snowflake Schema and Fact Constellation Schema in the blow table.
Snowflake Schema and Fact Constellation Schema
Snowflake Schema and Fact Constellation Schema

Comparison Chart

  • Here is a table that summarizes the key Difference between Snowflake Schema and Fact Constellation Schema
Snowflake Schema Constellation Schema
A single, large and central fact table and one or more tables for each dimension. Multiple fact tables share dimension tables.
Snowflake schema contain one star scheme at a time Fact constellation schema contain multiple star scheme
It’s not more complex then fact constellation because it contains single fact tables. Constellation schema is more complex than star or snowflake, which is because it contains multiple fact tables.
Tables are easier to maintain. Difficult to maintain due to multiple fact tables.
Saves the storage space. Not save the space due to multiple fact table.
Normalize form of start schema. Normalize for of start or snow flake schema.
Easy to Navigate between the tables due to less number of joins. Difficult to Navigate between the tables due to maximum number of joins.
Simple and complex query use to access data from database More complex query use to access data from database

Snowflake schema

  • A snowflake schema is a normalized form of a star schema, where dimension tables are broken down into smaller tables. This improves data integrity and performance but can make the schema more complex. For businesses managing such schemas, cheap VPS India hosting solutions offer an affordable and efficient option.


  • Reduced data redundancy
  • Improved performance
  • Scalability


  • Increased complexity
  • Reduced query performance
  • Data integrity

Fact constellation schema

  • A fact constellation schema is a more complex schema that uses multiple fact tables. This can be useful for data warehouses that need to store and analyze large amounts of data from multiple sources. However, fact constellation schemas can be more difficult to design and maintain than simpler schemas.


  • Simple to understand
  • Improved query performance
  • Flexibility


  • Increased data redundancy
  • Storage space
  • Limited scalability

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