Difference Between Hand Lay-up and Spray-up Processes

Difference Between Hand Lay-up and Spray-up Processes

Comparison between Hand Lay-up and Spray-up Processes

The Key Difference Between Hand Lay-up and Spray-up Processes is that the Spray-up processes are faster than the Hand Lay-up Processes.

Hand Lay-up and Spray Lay-up Processes Difference
Hand Lay-up and Spray Lay-up Processes Difference

Comparison Chart

Hand Lay-up Processes Spray-up Processes
Application of resin fiber layer is by hand rolling. Application of resin fiber layer is mechanical.
More Time is required for lay-up. Less time is required for lay-up.
Fiber content up to 65% Fiber content up to 35%
Labor efficiency is less Labor efficiency is more

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