Difference between LiFi and WiFi

Comparison between LiFi and WiFi

Difference between LiFi and WiFi in Tabular Form

  • The Key Difference between LiFi and WiFi is that both are technologies that are used to send and receive data wirelessly. LiFi transmits data using light with the help of LED bulbs. WiFi transmits data using radio waves with the help of WiFi routers.
  • More major Comparisons between LiFi and WiFi are below the table.
LiFi vs WiFi
LiFi vs WiFi

Comparison Chart

LiFi WiFi
1 LiFi stands for Light Fidelity. WiFi stands for Wireless Fidelity.
2 LiFi was coined by Prof. Harald Haas in 2011. WiFi was invented by NCR corporation in 1991.
3 Li-Fi transmits data using light with the help of LED bulbs. Wi-Fi transmits data using radio waves with the help of a WiFi router
4 Cannot penetrate through walls. Wi-Fi can penetrate through walls Wi-Fi has a range of 30 meters
5 It covers a distance of about 10 meters Power consumption is less. Power consumption is more.
6 speed of 1 Gbps in use commercially Speed up to 2 Gbps can be achieved commercially
7 It uses standard IEEE 802.15.7 It uses standard IEEE 802.11
8 Uses visible light of the electromagnetic spectrum Uses radio waves of the electromagnetic spectrum
9 Works in a high-density environment Uses radio waves of the electromagnetic spectrum
10 LiFi covered 10 meters of area. WiFi covered 30 meters of area.
11 Application: Airlines, Under sea explorations Application: WiFi hotspot

LiFi Advantage

  • No electromagnetic interference.
  • Fast and efficient.
  • Consumes less power.
  • Highly secure.
  • Low power consumption.
  • Unlimited bandwidth.

LiFi Disadvantages

  • Cannot penetrate through walls.
  • The initial cost is high.
  • Shorter range.
  • Interferences from external light sources like sun, light, normal bulbs, etc.

More Difference