Difference Between Mealy Machine And Moore Machine

Difference Between Mealy Machine And Moore Machine

Comparison between Mealy And Moore Machine

There are two types of the finite state machine:

  1. Mealy Machine
  2. Moore Machine

The Key Difference Between Mealy Machine And Moore Machine is that Moore Machine Output depends only upon the current state whereas Mealy Machine Output depends on the current state as well as current input.

Comparison between Mealy And Moore Machine
Comparison between Mealy And Moore Machine

Comparison Chart

Mealy Machine Moore Machine
Output depends on the present state as well as the present input. Output depends only upon the present state.
If input changes, output also changes. If input changes, the output does not change.
Asynchronous output generation. Synchronous output generation.
Fewer states than the Moore machine. More states than the Mealy machine.
A Counter is not a Mealy Machine A Counter is Moore Machine
It requires less hardware It requires more hardware
Difficult to Design Easy to Design

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