Difference between Multiplexer and Decoder

Difference between Multiplexer and Decoder

Difference between Multiplexer and Decoder in Tabular Form

The Key Difference between Multiplexer and Decoder is that Multiplexer accepts many inputs and allow only one output. Decoder takes n no of input binary code and converts it into a corresponding output.

Multiplexer and Decoder Comparison

Comparison Chart

Multiplexer Decoder
Multiplexer has n data input lines and one output line. Decoder has no data input and there is n output line.
There are m control lines. Inputs are the control bits A, B, C, D.
Depending upon the status of the control line, data on the particular input line is available at the output. Only one output is high which depends on the status of the control lines.
Converts the unary code to binary code Converts binary code into unary.

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