Difference Between Prototype Model and RAD Model

Difference Between Prototype Model and RAD Model in Tabular Form

Comparison Between Prototype Model and RAD Model

  • Prototype Model is becoming a very popular software developing model as it enables to understand the customer requirement clearly and at an early stage of development. Software prototyping refers to building a dummy model (it can be functional also) which displays the functionality of the system/software under development but it may not actually hold the exact logic of the original software. A prototype is used for user evaluation of the system.
  • RAD Model is planned for a short duration of implementation & Delivery. Most experienced programmers are involved in RAD Model. In the incremental modal, the Application will be developed in a set of divided timelines called iterations, each iteration results in a deliverable product at the end.

Comparison Between Prototype Model and RAD Model

Comparison Chart

Prototype Model RAD Model
Using Prototype model, a product cannot be developed in short period of time as the requirements are refined in later prototypes. Using the RAD approach, a product can be developed within very short period of time.
It can be used, even if the number of staff is less in the beginning. It can be used, if sufficient number of staff is available.
In this approach, quick initial reviews are not possible. In this approach, quick initial reviews are possible.
The prototype model approach is suitable for high risk projects. The RAD model is not appropriate when technical risks are high.
It doesn’t support automatic code generation. It results in minimal code writing as it supports automatic code generation.
User Involvement High. User Involvement Only at the beginning.

Prototype Model

  • The basic idea here is that instead of freezing the requirements before design or coding can proceed, a throwaway prototype is built to understand the
  • This prototype is developed based on the currently known
  • By using this prototype, the client can get an “actually feel” of the system, since the interactions with prototype can enable the client to better understand the requirements of the desired
  • Prototyping is an attractive idea for complicated and large systems for which there is no manual process or existing system to help to determine the
  • The prototype are usually not complete systems and many of the details are not built in the prototype. The goal is to provide a system with overall functionality.


  • Users are actively involved in the development
  • Since in this methodology a working model of the system is provided, the users get a better understanding of the system being
  • Errors can be detected much
  • Quicker user feedback is available leading to better
  • Missing functionality can be identified easily
  • Confusing or difficult functions can be identified


  • Leads to implementing and then repairing way of building
  • Practically, this methodology may increase the complexity of the system as the scope of the system may expand beyond the original
  • An incomplete application may cause the application not to be used as the full system was designed.

RAD (Rapid Application Development) Model

  • It is a type of incremental model. In the RAD model, the components or functions are developed in parallel as if they were mini
  • The developments are time-boxed, delivered, and then assembled into a working
  • This can quickly give the customer something to see and use and to provide feedback regarding the delivery and their requirements.


  • Reduced development
  • Increases reusability of components
  • Quick initial reviews occur
  • Encourages customer feedback
  • Integration from very beginning solves a lot of integration


  • For large but scalable projects RAD requires sufficient human
  • Projects fail if developers and customers are not committed in a much-shortened time-frame.
  • Problematic if a system cannot be
  • Not appropriate when technical risks are high (heavy use of new technology).

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