Difference Between Top-down and Bottom-up Parsing

Difference Between Top-down and Bottom-up Parsing Tabular Form

Top-down and Bottom-up Parsing Difference

  • There are two parsing methods
    1. Top-down Parsing
    2. Bottom-up Parsing
  • The Key Difference Between Top-down and Bottom-up Parsing is that Top-down parsing starts from the top level and moves downwards Whereas Bottom-up parsing starts from the bottom level and moves upwards.
Comparison between Top-down and Bottom-up Parsing
Comparison between Top-down and Bottom-up Parsing

Top-down and Bottom-up Parsing Comparison Chart

Top-Down Parsing Bottom-Up Parsing
Parse tree built from root to leaves. Parse tree built from leaves to root.
Simple to implement Complex to implement
Top-Down Parsing uses Left Most Derivation. Bottom-Up Parsing uses Right Most Derivation.
It is less powerful compared to Bottom-up parsing. It is more powerful compared to Top-down parsing.
Error detection is easy in Top-Down Parsing Error detection is difficult in Bottom-Up Parsing

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