Differences Between Cellular Manufacturing and Flexible Manufacturing

Differences Between Cellular Manufacturing and Flexible Manufacturing

Comparison between CELL and FMS

In this post, we understand the Differences Between Cellular Manufacturing and Flexible Manufacturing.

Comparison between Cellular Manufacturing and Flexible Manufacturing
Comparison between Cellular Manufacturing and Flexible Manufacturing

Comparison Chart

Cellular Manufacturing Flexible Manufacturing
Low Flexibility. High Flexibility.
Small stored part program inventory and
Large stored part program inventory and
Limited on-line computing power and decision-
making software.
High on-line computing power and decision-
making software.
Low to moderate equipment and resource costs. High equipment and resource costs.
Limited flexibility and variety of parts produced. High flexibility and variety of parts produced.
Low to medium preparation and implementation
Low to medium preparation and implementation
Benefits narrow but easily identified and quantified. Benefits broad but hard to identify and
Moderate justification complexity and difficulty
with mid-management approval required.
Difficult and complex justification process
with high-level approval required.
Moderate level of management commitment and
support required.
High level of management commitment and
support required.
Low staffing and training impact. High staffing and training impact.
Moderate effect on other internal operations and
High effect on other internal operations and
Low to moderate risk and complexity, minimal
facility changes.
High risk and complexity, many facilities
changes or new facilities required.
Short planning to implementation cycle. Long planning to implementation cycle.

More Differences