Difference Between AJAX And JQuery

Difference Between AJAX And JQuery

Comparison Between AJAX And JQuery in Tabular Form

The Key Difference Between AJAX And JQuery is that AJAX is a technique for creating fast and dynamic web pages, Whereas JQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies common tasks like traversing the DOM, handling events, and making AJAX requests.

  • JQuery is built on top of JavaScript, it is a library that makes it easy to use AJAX and other JavaScript functionality on websites.
AJAX And JQuery Difference
AJAX And JQuery Difference

Comparison Chart

  • AJAX and jQuery both have different features and functionalities, here is a comparison of some key features between them.
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML JQuery
AJAX is designed to simplify Callbacks, Making Asynchronous Calls, User-Friendly, Increased Speed jQuery is a JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML.
It works on the browser or outside the browser also. It makes it easy to use AJAX in your project.
It only works on the client side. It also works on the client side.


  • Asynchronous: AJAX allows web pages to update asynchronously, meaning that it can update content without having to refresh the entire page.
  • XML and JSON Support: AJAX can work with both XML and JSON data formats.
  • Cross-browser compatibility: AJAX is compatible with all major web browsers
  • Complex coding: AJAX requires complex coding and knowledge of JavaScript and XML.


  • User Friendly
  • It makes web page faster.
  • Independent of server technology.
  • Increase the Performance of the web page.
  • Support for Live data binding
  • Support for the Data View control
  • Support for Client-side template rendering
  • Rich and, responsive user interfaces
  • Reduced consumption of server resources


  • Cross-browser compatibility: jQuery is compatible with all major web browsers.
  • Simplified coding: jQuery simplifies the process of using JavaScript, making it more accessible to developers with less experience.
  • Event handling: jQuery makes it easy to handle events such as clicks, hovers, and more.
  • DOM manipulation: jQuery provides a simple and consistent API for traversing and manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM).
  • Animation and effects: jQuery provides a number of methods for creating animations and effects, such as fading and sliding elements.
  • AJAX support: jQuery provides a simple API for making AJAX requests and working with the response data.


  • HTML/DOM manipulation.
  • CSS manipulation.
  • HTML event methods.
  • Effects and animations.
  • AJAX.
  • Utilities.

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