Difference Between Gouraud Shading And Phong Shading

Difference between Gouraud shading and Phong shading in Tabular Form

Gouraud And Phong Shading Comparison

The Key Difference Between Gouraud Shading And Phong Shading is that At Gouraud shading the light is calculated per-vertex (Vertex shader) While at Phong shading the light is calculated per fragment.

Gouraud Shading And Phong Shading Comparison
Gouraud Shading And Phong Shading Comparison

Comparison Chart

Gouraud Shading Phong Shading
1 Gouraud shading was introduced by Henri Gouraud in 1970. Phong Shading was introduced by Phong Bui Tuong in 1973.
2 Evaluate the illumination at border vertices and interpolates. Evaluate the illumination at every point of the polygon surface.
3 Interpolates colors along edges and scanline. Interpolates normals instead of colors.
4 Cheaper than the Phong Shading. More costly than Gouraud Shading.
5 Lighting Equation used at each Vertex. Lighting Equation used at each Pixel.
6 Requires average processing and less time. Requires high processing and more time.
7 Gouraud Shading produces average quality. Phong Shading produces good quality.
8 High Cost. Low Cost.
9 It gives less accurate results. It gives more accurate results.

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