Difference Between Hard and Soft Real Time System

Difference Between Hard and Soft Real Time System in Tabular Form

  • The Major Difference Between Hard and Soft Real  Time System is that Real Time Operating Systems specify by having time as a key parameter. Real time operating system has well defined fixed time constraints. Processing must be done within defined constraints or the system will fail.
  • Types of Real Time Operating System
    1. Hard real-time system
    2. Soft real time system
  • An example of real-time system is e-Cos.

Comparison Chart

Hard real time Soft real time
Hard response time is required. Soft response time is required.
Data integrity is short term. Data integrity is long term.
Size of the data file is small or medium. Size of the data file is large.
Peak load performance is predictable. Peak load performance is degraded.
Hard real-time systems have little laxity and generally provide full deadline compliance. Soft real-time systems are more flexible. They have greater laxity and can tolerate certain amounts of deadline misses.
Safety critical systems are typically a hard real time system. Linux and many OS provide a soft real time system.

Hard Real time system

  • This system guarantees that critical tasks complete on time.
  • Many of these are found in industrial process control, avionics, and military and similar application areas.
  • This goal says that all delays in the system must be restricted.
  • These systems must provide absolute guarantees that a certain action will occur by a certain time.
  •  Examples
    • Chemical and nuclear plant control
    • Autopilot System In Plane
    • Pacemakers

Soft Real-Time System

  • In this type of system, missing an occasional deadline, while not desirable, is acceptable and does not cause any permanent damage.
  • Digital audio, digital telephone, and multimedia systems fall into this category.
  •  Examples
    • Mobile Communication
    • Music Playing Robots
    • Weather Station

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