Difference between Servlet and JSP

Difference between Servlet and JSP in Tabular Form

Servlet and JSP Difference

The Key Difference between Servlet and JSP is that Servlet is a java code Whereas JSP is a HTMLbased code. Also, Servlet is faster than the JSP. Both JSP and Servlet are used to create dynamic web pages.

Servlet and JSP
Servlet and JSP

Servlet vs JSP Comparison Chart

JSP Servlet
JSP code based on HTML Servlet code based on java.
JSP is a webpage scripting language that generates dynamic content. Servlets are Java programs that are already compiled which also creates dynamic web content.
A JSP technically gets converted to a servlet We embed the java code into HTML.

Example: <HTML><Java Code></HTML>

A servlet is a java class. We can put HTML into print statements.

Example: out.println(“<html code>”)

In JSP, the process of modification is fast because it requires just refreshing the browser In servlet, the process of modification takes more time as it requires to reload, recompile and also restart the process of servers
JSP also gives by default sessions management. In servlet, users have to enable session management.
JSPs are an extension of servlets that minimizes the effort of developers to write User Interfaces using Java programming. A servlet is a server-side program written purely on Java
JSP runs slower than servlet. Servlets run faster than JSP
In MVC architecture JSP acts as view. In MVC architecture Servlet acts as a controller
JSP accepts all kinds of protocols requests. Servlet accepts only HTTP requests
JSP is slower than Servlet Servlet is faster than JSP.

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