Difference between Steam and Gas

Difference between Steam and Gas with Comparison Chart


The main difference between Steam and Gas is that the Steam state of a substance in which evaporation is not complete from its liquid state. Gas is a state in which there is complete vaporization of the liquid. It is a gaseous state.

Comparison between Steam and Gas
Comparison between Steam and Gas

Comparison Chart

Steam Gas
It is a state of a substance in which evaporation is not completed from its liquid state. It is a state in which there is complete
vaporization of the liquid. It is a gaseous state.
It does not obey Boyle’s law, Charle’s law, and characteristics gas law. Hence it is not perfect gas. It obeys all gas laws. Hence it is perfect gas.
When the steam is cooled, it gets condensed. It remains in a gaseous state at moderate pressure, and temperature.
A specific volume of steam is less compared to gases. A specific volume of gases is more compared to steam.

Types of Steam

There are three types of steam

  1. Wet Steam: Wet Steam is a two-phase mixture of entrained water molecules and steam in thermal equilibrium at the saturation temperature corresponding to a given pressure. The wet Steam quality is specified by the dry fraction, which indicates the amount of dry steam present in the given quantity of wet steam and is denoted by x.
  2. Dry saturated steam: A steam at the saturation temperature corresponding to a given pressure and having no water molecules entrained in it is known as dry saturated Steam or dry Steam. Its dryness fraction will be unity.
  3. Super heated Steam: When dry saturated steam is heated further at the given constant pressure, its temperature rises beyond its saturation temperature. The steam in this state is said to be superheated.

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