Difference Between Textbox and Rich Textbox

Difference Between Textbox and Rich Textbox

Difference Between Textbox and Rich Textbox in Tabular Form

The Key Difference Between Textbox and Rich Textbox is that Textbox is used to display a single line input box. Rich Textbox is meanly used to display more than one line input.

difference between textbox and richtextbox

Comparison Chart

Textbox Rich Textbox
Requires fewer resources than a Rich textbox. Required more resources than Textbox.
Here it is tuff to change the control’s functionality. Here we can easily change the control’s functionality.
Textbox is used to simply take input from a user. Rich textbox is used to take control over textbox’s text (Like style, color, type, etc.)
Textbox supports data binding. Rich textbox does not support data binding.

Rich Textbox

  • The RichTextBox control enables you to display or edit flow content including paragraphs, images, tables, and more.
  • It provides all the functionality of a TextBox control.
  • It can handle multiple typefaces, sizes, and attributes, and offers precise control over the margins of the text.
  • Properties:
    • DetectURL: It will detect the URL and highlight it
    • AcceptTab: We can set that, we want to accept the tab functionality for the control or not.
    • Bulletlndent: We can set the bullet indent for the control while we are typing the text in the control
  • Events:
    • VScroll: Occurs when content scroll vertically by mouse in the text element.
    • HScroll: Occurs when content scroll horizontally by mouse in the text element.
    • LinkClicked: Occurs when the user clicks on the link within the text.
    • SelectionChanged: Occurs when the value of the Selection property is changed.

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